- College Brief History
Federal College of Education (Technical) Bichi is a tertiary institution established by decree No. 4 of 14th March 1986; and reviewed by decree no.6 of January , 1993 by the Federal Government of Nigeria with the sole aim of producing specialist teachers in technical, vocational, business and science subjects for the 9-3-4 system of education. Location The college is situated in Bichi town of Kano State. Its specific location is about 2.7 kilometers off Kano-Katsina Road along the old bichi-bagwai Road. Postal Address: Federal College of Education (Technical) Bichi P.M.B 3473, Kano Kano-Nigeria
- Provost Brief Speech
The Federal College of Education (Technical) Bichi was established in 1986 and started full operation in 1987 with the aim of producing qualified, technical and vocational oriented teachers. It is a college for excellence that went through different stages of development and progress, it offer relevant courses and programs of NCE and Degree levels and provides Vocational/Technical services. I will like to invite you to experience our excellent academic activities.

Our Vision
To run Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) programmes in Technical, Vocational, Business, Science and Primary Education which will produce qualified and dynamic Teachers who will successfully perform Teacher's roles as enshrined in the National Policy on Education and fit into the world of work and degree programmes in their chosen lines of endeavour.
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Public Announcement
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